Thursday, March 3, 2011

Night Flight with Joel

So I didn't exactly make it out to the airport before sunset, but I still managed to go flying!  What's more, I was able to get my brother Joel out for the flight which is exciting.  While he had been flying with me before as a rear seat passenger, this was his first time in the front where he could do some of the flying himself.  Here are some of the photos from this evening:




It's hard to tell, but Joel is currently flying the airplane at around 3,000 feet!!


In addition to quickly picking up how to make controlled turns in the aircraft, Joel also managed to smoothly take off at the Yolo County airport with only a little rudder assistance from me, good job Joel!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so used to facebook... all i want to do is "like" this.

    And joel is pretty much a rockstar.
